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How to solve nothing showed in grey box of Discord

August 14, 2017 | 1 Minutes Read

We all know that what discord is and what it does. Okay, if you don’t know what it is, just skip this post.

This post is only for those who have showing issue in their grey box.

Platform: Linux Arch-like

If other distros have the same issue, you may try this. Don’t know whether it works for you.

Table of Contents


If you update your discord to Linux-v0.0.2, you should encounter this issue that nothing shows in the grey box of Discord below.

Nothing shows in grey box

Okay, this is easy.

Install libc++.

In Arch/Manjaro, use this:

$ yaourt -S libc++

Another problem when trying to install libc++

Another problem:


As you can see the pic below:

PGP signatures could not be verifed!


Execute the following to import keys using gpg:

$ gpg –recv-keys <KEYID - See ‘validpgpkeys’ array in PKGBUILD>

Why need libc++

As you can see in libc++ in AUR, libc++ is required by discord.

libc++ is requried by discord

Actually, it’s really weird that Discord needs libc++ at v0.0.2. It doesn’t need libc++ before.

Anyway, it should do the tricks.

The End